Monday, August 10, 2009


• The state of Hawaii consists of eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii.

• The State tree is the Kukui, the State bird is the Nene and the State fish is the Humuhumunukunukuapua`a.

• The Hawaiian language has the shortest alphabet in the world. It has only twelve letters. The five vowels are A,E, I, O,U. And the seven consonants are H,K,L,M,N,P,W.

• Average daytime temperature in July is 82°F. Average daytime temperature in January is 72°F.

• Hawaii is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth. Hawaii is 2,390 miles from California; 3,850 miles from Japan; 4,900 miles from China; and 5,280 miles from the Philippines.

• From east to west Hawaii is the widest state in the United States.

• Hawaii has its own time zone. It’s called Hawaiian Standard Time. There is no daylight savings time in Hawaii, which means that in summer, Hawaii is two hours behind the U.S. West Coast, while in winter, Hawaii is three hours behind the U.S. West Coast.

• Oahu’s North Shore has many of the world’s most renowned surfing beaches.

• Iolani Palace, located in downtown Honolulu, is the only royal palace in the United States. Electric lights illuminated Iolani Palace four years before the White house had them.

• Haleakala Crater on Maui is the world's largest dormant volcano.

• The famous Road to Hana on Maui’s north shore is a 55-mile long, narrow road and features 617 curves and 26 bridges. It has some of the most breathtaking oceanfront scenery.

• Kilauea volcano on the Big Island is one of the largest and most active volcanoes in the world.

• Smooth lava is called pahoehoe and rough lava is a`a.

• The Big Island is one of the worlds leaders in harvesting macadamia nuts, kukui nuts and orchids.

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