Melanie an advocate of kukui oil treatments for her hair and for her kids, works for Oils of Aloha as our Purchasing and Inventory Manager.
For centuries Hawaiians have used kukui oil to improve the luster and softness of their hair. They use to gather a handful of kukui nuts, crack and remove the shell, then coarsely grind the kernels. When lightly roasted the kernels were smashed again to release the oil. An easier way today would be to use pure
Kukui Oil from Oils of Aloha.
A homemade hot oil treatment can be an inexpensive luxury. Place 1 to 2 tablespoons of the oil in a small glass dish and heat in the microwave until warm, about 30 to 45 second. Apply oil to hair and massage into your scalp, leave on for 15 to 20 minutes for it to penetrate. Shampoo and rinse well.
Hot oil treatments also help with dry scalp, including dandruff. You might like to use on of our fragranced oils. They don't add any significant benefit to pure oil, other than a nice smell.
We would appreciate any comments or suggestions on how you use kukui oil on your hair and scalp.
I tried this for myself. I had to use a little bit more oil because of the length of my hair. It left my hair so soft. I've been using kukui oil in my hair for about a year, and it looks so much healthier.
Thanks! I've heard about hot oil treatments but never tried it myself. I'm looking forward to trying it myself!
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