Monday, April 6, 2009


We all enjoy the feel of freshly applied Kukui oil on our skin whether self applied or after a super relaxing massage.  However, one of the side effects to having moisturized skin with oil is that it can sometimes leave stains on your sheets or clothes directly after application.  Here are some tips & tricks I've learned on how to remove oil stains from fabrics.  Some sound like they'll work, while others sound a little unusual.  It's small price to pay for beautiful skin.

Tip #1: Use  Kukui oil sparingly and wait a few minutes before dressing or getting into bed.

Tip #2: If the stain is fresh, blot the spot with flour, corn starch or talcum powder let absor for a few minutes, then brush off.  Pre-treat it with a stain remover and wash in hot water.

Tip #3: Pre-soak stain in lemon-lime soda for 3 minutes.  Add the remaining soda to the laundry along with your regular detergent.  Wash as usual.

Tip #4: Rub Dawn dish soap on stain, wet and lather. Let set, then launder.

Tip #5: Use a concentrated solution of OxiClean and soak the item overnight.  Then wash as usual.

Please let us know what you have found works best to remove oil stains?  This is a reoccurring problem we hear about often and would love to pass on your advise.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Tip #5 worked well when done within hours of oil getting on clothes. After 24 hours, still works, but required 2-3 repetitions before drying garment.