Tuesday, March 31, 2009


On the North Shore of Oahu, there has been a small raw food movement going on.  A lot of residents of this small surfing community are into 'healthy' eating.  It's no wonder since we are so close to the ocean and outdoors everyday, you can't help but want to make your body the best it can be.  I'm not totally raw, but I know those who are and it takes so much dedication to eat only non-cooked and non-processed foods.  I enjoy a few things here and there and pick what I like, and incorporate it into my own diet.  One thing that I have especially enjoyed is raw nut milk.  It is so good and it taste better than soy, rice or cow milk ( at least I think so, my office cohorts might disagree).  And it is super easy to make.

This is the recipe I use.  You can adjust it to your own taste.

Soak about 2-cups unsalted macadamia nuts in water to  cover them for 1 to 2 hours.  Rinse the nuts and put them and 4 to 8 cups of water into a blender.  The less water you have the creamier it will be.  It can be compared to whole milk (less water) to fat free milk (more water).  Add 2-tablespoons of a sweetener of your choice,  my favorites are raw honey, raw maple syrup or raw agave nectar, 1-teaspoon vanilla and 1-teaspoon cinnamon.  Blend ingredients until liquefied.  

Next, pour liquid into a nut milk bag ( a mesh bag made from cheese cloth) over a pitcher, squeeze bag until liquid is pressed from the nut meat.  Refrigerate until chilled, then serve.

Special note: nut milk only lasts about 2 days in the refrigerator.

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